Crust Sorrento Italian Mediterranean
Crust Sorrento Italian Mediterranean
shop n.05, GF, The Monterey complex, 23 Tong Chun St, Tseung Kwan O, 香港
Haichi Sawa Superb 竹麓拉麵 Takeroku Ramen The Pizza Pig 單車泊車處 Chilli Lime (TKO) 段純貞 17B, B1/F Ebeneezer's Restaurant & Bar (TKO) Uchi 屋子 (TKO 將軍澳) 得閒飲茶 24/7 FITNESS Tseung Kwan O Fourth Branch 海天晉滙 湊湊火鍋 ‧ 茶米茶 (將軍澳Monterey Place) 將軍澳海濱公園廁所 Car Parking at Monterey Place - O'South Coast Crust Sorrento Italian Mediterranean Bistro La Baie Primo Mart SeaRock Lounge DON DON DONKI Monterey Place
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Post time:2024-05-19 08:46:58