多用途活動室,康樂樓4樓 WiFi熱點(WiFi Hotspot, Multi-Purpose Rooms, 4/F Amenities Building)
多用途活動室,康樂樓4樓 WiFi熱點(WiFi Hotspot, Multi-Purpose Rooms, 4/F Amenities Building)
Knowledge Transfer Office, City University of Hong Kong 南山苑 中國法與比較法研究中心 城大校內公園 CityU Swimming Pool Faculty Lounge 城大食坊 Hang Seng Bank CSLab, Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong 城大中菜廳 Low Carbon Energy Education Centre Department of System Engineering and Engineering Management Lab 香港城市大學劉鳴煒學術樓 香港城市大學楊建文學術樓 多用途活動室,康樂樓4樓 WiFi熱點 郵箱 College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 香港城市大學停車場 邵逸夫圖書館 何家歌劇院
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Post time:2024-05-17 02:02:41