University Research Facility in 3D Printing (U3DP), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
University Research Facility in 3D Printing (U3DP), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Room W501, 5/F, Core W The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 香港
理工大學鐘樓 香港理工大學 何耀光郭佩珍伉儷廣場 香港理工大學 田家炳演講廳 (TU101) PolyUFood House of Innovation S棟 (CORE S) University Research Facility in 3D Printing (U3DP), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學工業中心 Core G, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Staff Canteen/Tea House 理大茶室 理工大學 Z座 南座 香港理工大學周亦卿樓, QT翼 Department of Biomedical Engineering 銀通 「站見」鐵路展 Aviation Services Research Centre 香港理工大學賽馬會綜藝館 Core H, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University HK PolyU Faculty of Construction and Environment (Block Z) 香港理工大學蔡繼有樓, QR翼
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Post time:2024-05-11 07:51:34