香港理工大學工程學院(Faculty of Engineering OF The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
香港理工大學工程學院(Faculty of Engineering OF The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
AG711 Chung Sze Yuen Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 香港
恒星改衣專門店 Lam Shine Shipping Co Ltd Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 永恆生活產品亞洲有限公司 Core D, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation Store-Pro自動售賣機 - PolyU Alumni Atrium Jca Panasonic Showroom Core E, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 新東海商業中心停車場 The Harmony M-Tek Limited 香港理工大學工程學院 香港理工大學中國內地事務處 恒生銀行 - 理工大學分行 Staff Canteen/Tea House 理大茶室 柴樂園 Core G, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Core C, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University